A Custom cutting board is one of the primary kichen tools for any good cook. It provides a flat smooth surface where one can cut or slice any number of things. We apply non-scratching pads to the bottom of each board to protect countertop or table surfaces.
Cutting boards are typically made of hardwoods, because they have a tighter grain and provide a hard smoother surface. However, you can find them in a variety of other different materials if you prefer. Most people prefer a wood cutting board because it gives a more natural and appealing appearance.
My boards are not mass produced; therefore each one is unique in size, style, etc.
After sanding smooth and preparing the wood we used a food grade mineral oil for the finish protective coat and recommended the following care:
Hard Maple Cheese Board |
Hard Maple Cheese Board |
Hard Maple Bread Board |
We highly recommend oiling your cutting board frequently. Over time oiling will preserve and protect the wood from splitting and cracking. Wash board with a mild detergent, not allowing it to soak in the water. Dry your cutting board, and apply an even amount of a food safe mineral oil with a soft cloth. Remove any excess oil. You should not use any kind of vegetable or olive oil as the protective oil as they tend to turn rancid. Your cutting board is not dishwasher compatible.
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