Custom Seal Shaped Cribbage Board
This request came in for a cribbage board in the shape of a seal. I sent them three photos to chose from and this is the one they chose.
This board was a two person board made out of walnut. It was around 9 inches wide by 20 inches long.
Here is what came out of the piece of wood I started with. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it really turned out well.
It has been edged, sanded, and coated. and shipped off to its new home in Idaho.
How to Customize Your Own Product
Did you know that you can customize your own project?
- You can set the size for your project,
- You can choose the type of wood,
- You can choose the finish,
- We also do custom shapes and custom lasering for lettering, photos, or logos,
Interested in creating your own custom project?
Please visit our How to Order Custom Projects page.
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